
About This Project

“Journy” was made as part of the 2023 HackNC Hackathon, produced by a team of 4. As the project lead, I worked on both front-end and back-end. As other members set up the draft for the program, I assisted in the creation of the SQL database in which to store entries. After the draft was completed, I updated the UI.

What is Journy?

Journy is a combination of the words “Journey” and “Journal”. This app is a journal which helps those to focus on what they’ve accomplished, as opposed to freeform journaling. Users create notes called “Journyls” with focused text fields for what you’ve done today, what you plan on doing tomorrow, and anything else note-worthy you’d like to jot down. As users add more and more notes, they’ll begin to see a trail of their goals clearly outlined. It was designed so that people can can focus on their accomplishments and goals. An added benefit is that over time, users can review their development (or Journey) in hindsight. I created the idea for this app myself as I began learning programming and wanted to remember the dedication it took to self teach myself.

Tools Used

Python3, Tkinter, SQLite, Figma

Video Demonstration

You can view the repository here!


  • Note Storage

    Using SQLite, notes are stored in a .db file. The Journy app then reads and displays surface level information such as note title and creation date.

    To create a new note, simply click the blue +Journyl button.

  • Note Creation

    When creating notes, specific test fields are started for you, such as “Today, I” and “Tomorrow, I”. This is to provide a task for users to type what’s necessary in the given field. Buttons to cancel or save the note, are below the final text field.

    The date the note was created will be stored and displayed upon saving.

  • Saving, Editing, and Deleting Notes

    When notes are saved, they appear as buttons in the left pane. Clicking a note will show the format the majority of your notes will be in. From here, notes can be edited or deleted. Users are also prompted before deleting notes.

    Users can create new notes while a note is already being displayed to minimize time spent clicking out of a note to make new ones.

What I Learned From This Project

  • This was my first project in which I worked as a team to develop software for the first time. I learned how to reach others code, offer suggestions, and have my own work evaluated in an effort to maintain communication and complete the project.

  • I learned how to apply OOP to software development to create a complex system relative to what I was used to.

  • Since learning on my own, I needed to approach libraries at my own pace. since learning about objects and classes, I felt I was ready to take it a step further and apply this knowledge to the Journy project. Using various libraries to achieve the end goal.

  • Learning SQL allowed me to apply CRUD in a practical setting. The notes needed to be managed in a professional way, which is why I went this route instead of a typical dictionary or JSON data.

  • I had learned how to build software with it previously but only when following a tutorial or example. This was my first program that wasn’t based off anything but my own idea and schematics.