About Trent Savage

I’m a Bachelor of Arts graduate in Graphic Design at Ferrum College. Growing up, I’ve had a natural talent for illustration and animation, initially using it as a way to express myself and doing freelance work as I got older.

Despite my interest in the arts, I’ve always had a love for technology and a deep curiosity for how things worked. If I wasn’t drawing, I was tinkering with devices to make them do what they weren’t meant to. As such, I’ve become experienced in the Information Technology field, hence the duality of my resume.

It hadn’t occurred to me what the combination of both skills would have looked like until I decided to learn programming as a way to further my career. That’s when I realized, I could make video games! I’ve always enjoyed playing video games throughout my life and felt as though they’ve influenced the skills I’ve learned as well as who I’ve become. Being able to put that energy back into the world in my own way is my goal.

If I had to pick a specialty, I would say UI/UX Design would be my favorite focus. How a game or software feels to use is important. To consider all possible ways one can experience something provides many ideas for how it can be designed, and experimenting to find the best way is where the fun is. It’s where my skills for art and tinkering blend the most!


Graphic Design Projects